Forums Flags on the 48 Information General Discussion Sunday, September 11, 2005

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  • Stephen
      Post count: 759
      #47047 |

      This was a very hot topic debated and voted and discussed and debated and voted on last fall. I decided to let emotions cool down a bit before addressing this further.

      After reveiwing the discussion from that time, it seems apparent to me that the date itself is important, followed by the desire to include as many as possible.

      Given those observations, the steering team (currently consisting of myself, SilentCal, Greg, Frodo, MichaelJ and our newest member, coberg) had a brief discussion and came to the unanimous conclusion that the memorial should take place on the anniversary date whenever it fell on a weekend.

      Further we feel that the precedent should be set that if the event falls on a weekend, celebrate on that date. However if it falls during the week, then it would be best for it to be held on a Saturday.

      The last poll conducted showed that only 3 people indicated that they could not participate if it were a Sunday. (I’m sure an equal number of people would be affected by a Saturday event.) While this did not include all of the participants, it certainly included the core of the event.

      Therefore, we recommend holding this year’s event on Sunday, September 11, 2005. We realize that this will not work for 100% of the people, but such a date does not exist. Besides, participation has never been defined by the group of people who hike up a mountain on the day of the memorial. There are plenty of other opportunities for people to be a part of this incredible event.

      Please join us in affirming the Sunday date as this year’s Flags on the 48 Memorial Hike.

      -Stephen & the rest of the FOT48 Steering Team

        Post count: 54

        Happy new year everyone. It was great to be part of the event last September, and I’m really looking forward to taking part again in ’05. Sunday will be fine for me. I’m still curious though how the peaks will be chosen this year now that the event has such a following. In any case I’ll be there, rain or shine, and hope to see others too, and of course beer/food/conversation afterwards.

          Post count: 84

          lets hope for same great weather as the last 3 years (3 sunny saturdays 3 years in a row).

            Post count: 9

            @Stephen wrote:

            Please join us in affirming the Sunday date as this year’s Flags on the 48 Memorial Hike.
            -Stephen & the rest of the FOT48 Steering Team

            The 04′ S. Kinsman team hereby affirms Sunday!
            We do have a concern about the method of assigning peaks for 05′. Some of us do not have the ability to do the less accessable/higher peaks.

              Post count: 45

              I’m game for a Sunday hike.

                Post count: 839

                We’ll make sure to discuss accessibility issues at this weekend’s meeting on your behalf.

                  Post count: 4

                  I have done this for three years now and will be back next year. i cannot hike on Sundays as i run a youth group that day. Everyone have fun and I will join you in 2006. I would like to get a t-shirt though. I have hiked this event for three years and lost the patch before I could put it on my pack.

                    Post count: 303

                    Absolutely!!! I’m affirming!!!
                    Sunday Sept.11th 2005… a perfect day for “A September 11th Memorial Hike”, don’t ya think?



                      Post count: 1307

                      Thanks for your support Tycho32! We hope you understand the move for this year and hope you can rejoin us in 2006. We are not sure what mementoes will be availible this year. It’s always kinda of a surprise as no one really knows what’s happens on that front until the event.

                        Post count: 64

                        The Outtabreath team will be there this year. I think the plans for future events is a great idea as well. :flag:
                        Thanks for all you efforts.

                          Post count: 43

                          Count me in!

                          My 3rd event over the past 4 years. :flag:

                            Post count: 149

                            I agree with the logic of date picking – Sunday will work for me. Saturday is the obvious choice for a week-day 11th too. Thanks for all the front work from you guys.
                            If Dirt will have me as a partner again, I am ready for another year. Wildcat was great last year!
                            :flag: :beer: 8)

                              Post count: 1307

                              It’s great to have folks that return year after year. I do believe we have started a very patriotic tradition and hope we can keep it going for years to come. I look forward to when my nephews ( 16 months and 5 months) can join me for a Flag raising or two.

                                Post count: 32

                                Sunday is much better for me. I can sleep in on Saturday. Perhaps if the weather is good, I can make it a two day hike. There is one peak out in the middle of nowhere… Owl’s head? I forget. Should make for a good hike. Start in Franconia, and work south. I’ll try anything once. Or whatever peak is left over. I’m easy.

                                  Post count: 839

                                  Owl’s Head, Isolation, and West Bond all make for excellent two-day hikes, with overnight campsites nearby. OH means going off into the woods at the base of the slide or up along the summit ridge line to make a campsite, West Bond means staying at Guyot in the shelter or on a tent platform, and Isolation means one of several different choices of designated backcountry tentsite.

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