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  • Hikerextreme
      Post count: 10
      #47147 |

      Hey every one, this is the rout I plan on taking up to Mt. Willey:

      Sat.~ Up eathen pond tr. to eathen pond shelter, spend the night.l

      Sun.~ Backtrack on eathen pond tr. to the Willey Ridge Tr., take it to the summmit, then back to my car via Willey ridge and eathon pond.

      This is the plan I really would like to do, but depending on who in my family is coming, we might skip day one and spend Saturday at Dry River Campground.

        Post count: 839

        Sounds like a fine plan – I hope it works out for you. Ethan Pond is a *beautiful* place to stay!

          Post count: 14


          We will probably pass you on our way to Field. Watch for a group of 10 from the Worcester AMC. We will be on Willey at about 11. Good hand shake opportunity.


            Post count: 10

            Cool, I look forward to seeing you guys, I was thinking of possibly running on over to see field, always a possibility. I’ll see you guys up there!

              Post count: 10

              Hey, Im just trying to talk to MTCLMB, looks he/she will be going up to Willy with me (and my sister). Just checking to see how you(MTCLMB) plan on going up, and the times you’ll be there, ext..
              And also my plans are just finalized, my original plan is going to work (up to eathan pond shelter on Saturday, and then to the peak and home on Sunday). Not sure if I’ll be able to go to any post-event, (Im a young one only 17) so I got school on monday..:(.
              Well hope to see you up there MTCLMB

                Post count: 10

                Hey, just letting people know that we have changed our saturday plans going up Mt. Willy. My sister would rather not backpack up, so we will be staying at either Dry River or Lafayette campground Saturday night. Then just heading up the ethan pond trail to the Willy ridge. Possibly taking the Kendron Flume Tr.

                  Post count: 839

                  If you might end up at Lafayette, why not come another 15 minutes down the road to Woodstock and join us at the Woodstock KOA? See the thread under “General Discussion”.

                  Kedron Flume is *steeeeeeep* I am told.

                    Post count: 10

                    I’ll look into that, always a possibility. Thanks for the invite :flag:

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