Forums Flags on the 48 Information General Discussion Summit Journal

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  • Greg
      Post count: 397
      #46870 |

      I know the idea of a summit journal was tossed around at the planning meeting. It would be a place people could jot down some comments. We could then scan them and post them as PDFs on the site. I think it’s a great idea. Thoughts?

        Post count: 69

        After hearing of this being done last year on a summit we planned on doing the same this year. Only question on scanning and posting comments would be how to coordinate the scanning process.

          Post count: 839

          I think it’s a great idea. We can collect all the journals at the after-gathering, then distribute them to those of us with scanners. I can do a considerable amount of the scanning if it can wait until October (after my 48th).

            Post count: 1307

            This is a great idea. Someone had a notebook last and brought it to the Mooseland Grill. While I never did read it, I knew it would be something to do this year. It’s a shame we won’t have the scanner at the Grill. :flag:

              Post count: 11

              I have a scanner and would be willing to do the scanning if necessary.


                Post count: 263

                I think it needs to be clearly expressed that if people choose to write in these journals that those passages may/may not be reproduced on this website.

                Although a wonderful idea some may not wish to have their thoughts shared with everyone on a website.

                Again….small deal and probably as easy as saying to someone (written/oral) not to leave their last names?

                Just some thoughts.

                BTW…the one at the Mooseland was inspirational.

                  Post count: 372

                  When we took photo’s on the summit and had our note book written in by others, we asked them in advance if they did not mind being on this website.

                  All said it made them feel as if they contributed to the event and thanked us for doing it!

                    Post count: 1307

                    An offshoot of Jaytrek’s post. Summit pictures that are posted on the site. We should remind everyone that their picture might be posted on the website and ask their permission to do so. Honestly, I don’t think this would be a problem but all you need is one bad egg.

                      Post count: 338

                      The notebook that circulated at the Mooseland was the one that Littlebear brought on our hike up Jefferson (a great idea she had, I might add). Scanning and posting personal thoughts on the web is a touchy thing. I don’t believe that anyone who signed her notebook (including me) had any thoughts about having those thoughts posted online.

                      We should definitely warn people that that if they sign a memorial book then their thoughts MAY be posted online, though I doubt anyone will have a problem with that (just might slightly change what they write…)

                        Post count: 11

                        What if the log book was set-up so that each section where a message could be entered also had a check box that said something to the effect of “Check here if you consent to having your message publicly displayed on
                        People could also be given the option to remain anonymous but still have their message seen.


                          Post count: 839

                          given the option to remain anonymous

                          Well, they could do that simply by not writing their names along with their note.

                          I think simply stating clearly on the book’s cover that its contents may be “reproduced and/or published” is adequate. People can then adjust what they do or don’t feel comfortable writing as appropriate. I do not want to get us into the business of determining which entries we can or cannot reproduce based on a check mark.

                          That way there is an implicit expectation that anyone anywhere may read what is written, much like the log books in the huts.

                            Post count: 263

                            In addtion to the flag, PVC, duct tape and summit journal,my crew will be hauling up a couple of bibles, legal documents and video equipment to make sure the sworn depositions are credible. 😉

                            I agree with MJ…I think something on the cover of the journal in “nice” language is sufficient.

                              Post count: 397

                              I feel a brief disclaimer will suffice. We should try to standardize on the text to be used on all summit logs though.

                                Post count: 759

                                Rather than putting it on the logbook, how about adding something to the summit sign, kinda like this:

                                “If a logbook is available, feel free to add your comments, which may be reproduced on our website. You can
                                also visit our website and leave your comments there.”

                                  Post count: 839

                                  I’d put it on the book. If there are enough people on the summit, the book will be passed around, and someone may receive it before ever reading any other notice.

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