Forums 2006 Flags on the 48 2006 Signups & Status Sign Ups 2006

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  • mmChris
      Post count: 884
      #47284 |

      Hello all,

      This topic is designed to give everyone a way to voice their opinion on the sign up process. We continue to make improvements every year.

      Please try to be specific in your posts, just putting “it was great” or “it stunk” doesn’t help us improve!


      Sherpa John
        Post count: 71

        I know you guys are trying to ensure everyone in the hiking community has a chance to be involved in this activity.. but I would like to see the folks who had reistered to be A peak Coordinator for a given peak be given preference in an EARLY sign up process for the list of peaks THIS year.

        Just a suggestion

          Post count: 1307

          We have discussed this before, especially at last years planning meeting. Giving preference to existing members is not what the event is about. We’d like for ALL members of the hiking commmunity to have a chance to participate and get whichever peak they wish. As of right now, the only people that are allowed to pre-register are large youth groups. Granted this all could change at the planning meeting. There is some tweaking of the sign-in system that needs to be done, Don’t get me wrong, it’s not foolproof yet.
          Thanks for your input!

            Post count: 45

            I think last year’s process was the most fair and least confusing thus far. I still like the idea of “holding” the most accessible peaks for those who can’t or don’t wish to hike.

            I don’t know how it would be done programming-wise, but we should expand upon by the “on call” idea. Say a person signs up for a peak that already has a coordinator listed, but they may also be open to covering peaks X, Y, & Z. They should be given a drop down box to list 4-5 other “preference peaks” that they will agree to pick up should those other peaks be left unclaimed say two weeks from the event. By listing these other peaks, the person will agree to being contacted by the FOT48 Team by private e-mail to finalize details. It would just give the list keepers a quick way of determining who may be up for what, even though they may already be listed as Hiker #8 for Liberty.

            That’s all I have for now. Back to work.

              Post count: 1307

              Thanks Smitty,

              The on-call status of some hikers is one of the topics I was hoping to discuss at this years meeting. It’s important to have some backups in case a family emergency or something of that nature happens to befall someone or group. We were really lucky last year and some great people came through at the last minute to cover South Carter and Whiteface. If these people did not cover those particular peaks, we did have hikers on other peaks that volunteered to split their group up to get all the peaks covered.

              A lot of it comes down to communication. If we can get the information on a cancelation ASAP, then we can get the word out to the various internet boards that a peak is open. If it’s last minute, I believe we’ll have groups that will volunteer to split up. Great suggestion on your idea!!! Perhaps this is something we can put on the signup page.

              Cannon, Washington and Wildcat D will be reserved for non-hikers as usual. This is another thing to discuss at the meeting but I’m not too worried about it. What I’d really like to see is a veterans group take a flag up on of these peaks.

                Post count: 372

                Yes, Vets, Firemen, Cops on tops, Scouts, those new to the site. Let’s fly flags from every country in the future. I am certain I’ve a flag from Scotland being raised. And maybe the UK, too! I would be *honored and delighted* to hike with anyone raising a flag from any country on any mountain. 4k or less! We can do it!!

                  Post count: 54

                  i’ll start by saying that i felt very fortunate having been coordinator for moriah last year, and thanks to those who joined me i really felt that we were quite a team.

                  i think the signup for last year was a huge improvement and felt that we all worked together well. silentcal, smitty77, judging by how things went last year i agree the biggest issue should be the on-call status, perhaps having a large group ready to take any peak at the last minute…or simply join a current group on an existing peak.

                  smitty, great idea to have a coordinator choose secondary peaks. if any coordinator is with a group camping in the carters, for instance, it wouldn’t be too much trouble to cover any one of 5 or 6 peaks…likewise in other areas.

                    Post count: 3

                    I would like to honor Doug Decenzo who died on May 25, 2006 serving his country in Iraq. Doug and his family were and those remaining still are big hikers in the White Mountains. Many friends hike with his mom and dad and we would like to hike with them this 9-11 and put the flag on Mt. Liberty in his name. Please hold that mountain for us in his name. Thanks Frannyg

                      Post count: 372

                      Chris, thanks to you, the sign-up process couldn’t be easier. Thank you for your super efforts!

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