Forums 2005 Flags on the 48 2005 Post-Event Gathering Post Event Location Suggestion

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  • Mr. X
      Post count: 3
      #47207 |

      I have a suggestion for the post flags event next year. A few years back we all went to The Woodstock Inn & Brewery for food and drinks, since then we have voted on the Mooseland Grill. I like the Mooseland, but after this years hike, we found ourselves reluctant to drive further north, only to turn around to the south again. Since a “majority” of us come from south of the mountains, I would suggest we reclaim The Woodstock Inn & Brewery. It’s pretty much on the way home for most and I think they have better food, service, and beer! The Lincoln croo went to The Woodstock Inn & Brewery this year. Do I have a point?

      -Mr. X

        Post count: 1307

        You do have a point Mr X.

        With the Event moving back to a Saturday next year this is something that will need to be looked at. Woodstock Inn was nice but I’ve heard rumors that the Highland Games might be coming back to the Lincoln area. The KOA campground may also be a solution.

          Post count: 263

          Great Point X.

          SilentCal and I had a brief conversation about this. KOA might be a pretty good option for those that are spending the night and for those that just want to stop by on their way home.

          The Woodstock is fantastic, but on a Saturday afternoon/night do you think it would be too crowded?

          Either way I know I’m having a beer. :beer:


            Post count: 149

            I vote for a good solid place that is prepared for the numbers that we will bring. The Moose has been a disappointment both years I have done this. 20 minutes to get a beer in the back room is not excusable when someone supposedly had the place prepped to have a larger than average crowd – then they have only one person in the back?? HUH!!??
            I have really enjoyed the face-to-trailname association that you get in the social atmosphere of the post-event – great to get to talk to the posters on the bulletin board in person.

              Post count: 759

              The problem is that any place in the whites that can handle our crows may either 1) require a set catered menu rather than offer a full menu 2) be too expensive or 3) both.


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