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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 44
      #46973 |

      I’ll be “movin on up” the Caps Ridge Trail on the (early) morning of the 11th with a friend.

        Post count: 26

        Is there any need to be more specific? Let me know.

          Post count: 759

          Nope, this is fine! Thanks for confirming!


            Post count: 26

            We started a little late 10:15 and made it up to the top, it was my girlfriends first mountain climb and we made it up by 1:15, I was impressed! The climb was more than I anticipated at times, but we made it up and down with no incidents. We flew the flag from about 1:30 to 2:30. I think our tardiness threw some people off as some people were surprised that Jefferson ended up being covered. While at the top, I recieved numorous thank-yous and comments of encouragment. I did, however, recieve one confirmed negative reaction consisting of a conversation between two French speaking hikers that pointed at the flag, made a comment and sarcastically laughed. Being a conscientious represenative of our U.S. I did nothing but stare them down, though I felt like chucking a rock at them. I had a great time a Mooseland. :beer:

            :flag: May God Bless The USA! :flag:

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