Forums 2004 FOT48 Information Archive 2004 Signups & Status 12 more peaks to cover (2003)

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  • Stephen
      Post count: 759
      #46779 |


      The following peaks are available… time to enlist friends and family and get some coverage!


      Carter, Middle
      Carter, South
      Hancock, South
      Owls Head
      Tripyramid, Middle
      Tripyramid, North
      Wildcat A
      Wildcat D

        Post count: 40

        I can’t believe no one took Washington. I selected Cannon so I could interact with the visitors that will surely ask questions. And my wife (who is disabled) can take the tram to the summit and join me.

          Post count: 397

          I know. Even if someone wanted to drive it – to at least have a flag up there. I didn’t see any pics from George last year so I’m not sure if there was one raised then either… 😕

            Post count: 759

            Washington was taken, but had to be dropped.

            Wildcat D is taken, Bondcliff is now available again, so we’re still at 12.

            Carter, Middle
            Carter, South
            Hancock, South
            Owls Head
            Tripyramid, Middle
            Tripyramid, North
            Wildcat A

              Post count: 97

              I’m iffy for North Twin. I’m home with flu and fever today. Since there are lots of uncovered peaks, I won’t even consider trying to gret someone to back me up. There’s a good chance I’ll make it.

              I loved being up on North Hancock with the flag last year and am really hoping I’ll be up in the Whites with a flag this time around.

              On other related notes:

              Maybe some of the groups who are covering peaks would be willing to split up to cover more peaks.

              I posted an anouncement a few days back on and – maybe I’ll try again.

                Post count: 397

                @pedxing wrote:

                I’m iffy for North Twin. I’m home with flu and fever today. Since there are lots of uncovered peaks, I won’t even consider trying to gret someone to back me up. There’s a good chance I’ll make it.

                I’m in a similar situation. My daughter has been vomiting and has had diarrhea since last Thursday – nothing will break your heart more than seeing an 8 month old dry heave… 😥

                Today and tomorrow will be the key days. If she’s still showing improvment, I’ll go. Otherwise we’re out for Garfield. As of now, it’s a go and I’m planning and packing for it, but I won’t really know until tomorrow.

                  Post count: 839

                  Bondcliff would be incredibly fun to do. Get ahold of a huge flag and just hang it off the section of cliff that’s in the cover photograph of the new WMG. No pole necessary. I hope someone jumps in!

                    Post count: 97

                    Greg: I remember what it was like to have a sick baby – its easier to be sick yourself. I hope she’s better soon. Somehow its harder when your child can’t talk to you about what (s)he’s feeling and probably can’t understand.

                      Post count: 397

                      @pedxing wrote:

                      Greg: I remember what it was like to have a sick baby – its easier to be sick yourself. I hope she’s better soon. Somehow its harder when your child can’t talk to you about what (s)he’s feeling and probably can’t understand.

                      You ain’t kidding. 😥

                        Post count: 16

                        You’re a good man Greg Blasko.

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