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  • Stephen
      Post count: 759
      #47032 |

      Post thread links on other forums. Here is AMC:

        Post count: 97

        There were seven 9/11 flags trip reports on (check trip reports section).

        I made a trip report to:,-1.php

        and some discussion of the trip is also at:,-1.php

        Also, while I’m on the topic, CBS’s Early Show interviewed me and my wife in our current home and the house that burned for a story about candle fires. I described the Flags even to the reporter, and sent them pictures from our Flags trip as they were interested in the trip. I’m not sure if they will run the story, let alone use the flags pics or my description of it – but if they do, it would be a great twofer – raising awareness about candle fires (which have doubled in the past 15 years in the US)and publicizing the FOT48.

          Post count: 43

          Pedxing: That’s terrific news! It would be great if CBS ran your story, but at the same time it is unfortunate the story has to be told at all. If you find out that they are going to air the story could you let us know so that we can set our VCR’s/Tivo’s?

            Post count: 97

            Ten – Not sure if you are still following this site – or will get a notification, but I got a call today. The Early Show will run the story this Friday Morning (12/10/04) – they may be able to let me know what time exactly, but haven’t yet.

              Post count: 97

              The producer (who seems like a nice guy, and a pro) tells me that the piece is slotted for 7:30AM tomorrow.

                Post count: 97

                It was a brief, but nicely done piece. It didn’t, however, include anything from the FoT48. They did make two mistakes, mispelling my wife’s name and saying that I “scooped up” two kids (they ran out on their own, but maybe the “scoop” was meant as a metaphor?).

                The story, text and video, are at:

                  Post count: 43

                  Ped: I still check this forum about once a week. Not sure why except maybe because it’s habit now. Anyway, I missed the TV coverage of your interview, but saw the replay on the web. As I mentioned before it’s unfortunate your story had to be told at all, but hopefully it will alert people to the dangers candles can pose. For instance, my wife likes to light a candle now and again. I’ve become paranoid about watching the thing since hearing your story.

                  Best of luck with your remaining hikes up the 48.

                    Post count: 97

                    Thanks Ten. I get leave the topic reply notification box checked, so I get email when someone posts to a thread I posted on.

                    I notice we both did 2002 and 2004 and missed ’03.

                      Post count: 338

                      Happy ending to a potentinally tragic story…

                      I like the comment that “everytime you light a candle, you are lighting a small fire in you home”. My wife is big into candles, and this story shows the potential dangers.

                      I also want to bring up the dangers of Jiffy Pop 😮 Three years ago, I was cooking some for my kids and became distracted. Before I knew it the whole thing engulfed in flames, with flaming popcorn balls shooting out of it! I bolted from the kitchen and rounded the corner to throw it into the fire place, but alas, the fireplace was filled with cardboard! I then did an about face and ran to the bathroom to throw it in the shower, with flaming grease dripping out of the bottom and little popcorn fireballs shooting out from the top! It was a bad scene!

                      I terminated the situation in the shower, but ended up with 2100 dollars in damage to our floors. Needless to say, that was the last time Jiffy Pop ever entered our house… 😀

                      And my kids still give me crap, “Hey Dad, remember the time you almost burned down our house with Jiffy pop?” 😳

                        Post count: 97

                        Wow, Jiffy Pop – whodda thunkit?

                        Meeting other burn survivors, and hearing stories from people who have been burned, I’ve become acutely aware of how many things pose danger. I guess anything that deals with a flame is potentially trouble. It won’t stop me from carrying a stove on backpacking trips (although I’ve been going stoveless on solo summer trips since well before the fire.

                        I did meet someone who was badly burned sleeping about 10 feet from a camp fire after a spark ignited his bag. He lost most of his feet. I don’t want to be grim, but maybe that has relevance to backpackers.

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