A fabulous day on Willey! Team HiketheSummits biggest group yet and a great group at that! We made book time up the steep and difficult Kedron-Willey Range trails and got the flag up at 11:45! We got a couple dozen visitors, mostly those doing all peaks in the range and the FOT group of Field. Also Wendy, a Forester from the Forest Society gave us a visit! The best part was the National Guard Chopper that came right at the mountain and hovered around the summit taking pics! From the ledge we were on it was just 200 feet away…so cool! A beautiful day! Even Mt. Washington cleared to almost 99% before we headed down at 2:30! Kudos to my sister who just had a baby 3 months ago, hasn’t hiked a large mountain in YEARS and was on the back end of a broncitus infection. She moved right along doing book time on a difficult hike…Awesome!!
Full Trip Report and pics here> http://hikethesummits.blogspot.com/2011/09/fot48-mt-willey-91111.html