Forums 2022 Flags on the 48 2022 Trips & Routes Mt. Moriah

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  • psheehy4978
      Post count: 12
      #65646 |

      Hello to the Mt. Moriah team! Thanks for joining on what will be a great hike and a wonderful tribute to all those who paid the ultimate sacrifice on 9/11/2001 and beyond. My name is Phil Sheehy and this will be my 4th year coordinating for a peak. My former FOT48 peaks include Mt. Whiteface, Mt. Cannon and Mt Carrigain.

      The plan for our trip is to stay at the Dolly Copp Campground a few miles south of the trailhead the night before. We will aim to get to the trailhead for 7AM and begin hiking by 730 at the latest. This should give us plenty of time to make it up to the top of the 4.5 mi hike and get the flag set up for it to fly at noon. If you are at all worried about that timing, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me to discuss. That certainly isn’t set in stone at this point. The book tome for this hike is 6 hours. You are welcome to join us at Dolly Copp or meet us at the trailhead. We will be hiking the Carter Moriah Trail over Mt. Surprise to the summit. There are no known water sources along this route so plan ahead. The trailhead is located at the end of Bangor St. In Gorham. There is little parking here and it is located on a residential neighborhood. We will plan to meet at the “overflow lot” across the pedestrian bridge of the Peabody River. If you check Google maps, you will see this bridge which pops you out on MILL ST. in Gorham. Let me know if you have questions about that.

      The flag pole I have is made of threaded metal plumbing pipes. I ditched the PVC after it failed to hold up to the wind on year 3. This metal pole was used on Mt. Carrigain and was solid. It does weigh a bit more than most so if you are able to assist in carrying sections of the pole, that would be greatly appreciated. When we spread out the gear, you hardly even notice it.

      Lastly, I usually get over to Henniker Brewery for some FOT48 beer once they release it. I will do my best to get some for all team members. If you have any recommendations for tributes at the top, people you would like to recognize or poems, songs, etc you would like to say, that would be great! Don’t hesitate to email me at or by text at 603-205-5375. This is a team event so bring forward your ideas! I will post again as the date gets closer. Thanks!

      -Phil Sheehy

        Post count: 1

        Looking forward to this! I meant to book a site myself at Dolly Copp but forgot and now it is all First come sites. I will be getting up there Saturday afternoon (earlier than I told you Philip). If there is any room at sites booked for group or if anyone else has a site willing to share/split I would be grateful. Thanks Christel!

          Post count: 12

          Hey Christel,

          We may be able to help if the first come first serve doesn’t pan out. I may be getting up there later than you so if you need help when I get there, I’m sure we can figure something out. Looking forward to it!

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