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  • Lorax
      Post count: 8
      #65579 |

      September 11, 2021. Team Lincoln meets in the Falling Waters trailhead parking lot. Except for two, we are complete strangers, meeting in the dark at 0445. Quickly gear is sorted and divided, we are on the trail at 0520, only a few minutes behind schedule. I had set a goal of having the flag up at the time the first plane hit the tower 20 years ago. This had winnowed the team to four, as some understandably thought it an “early” hour. We moved efficiently up the trail, with it getting gradually lighter. After layering up just before tree line, we made our way to the summit of Lincoln. Our packs disgorged, the tools of our trade for the day. Poles, carabiners, lines, and two Flags. Despite having been strangers 3 hours ago, we were a team now. Up went the flag pole guyed to boulders to maintain a “Leave No Trace” condition. Then the flags were attached to the halyard, and into a stiff breeze, the flags unfurled. We missed our time by a few minutes, but we managed to get a large flag up that many others would see on the way up their peaks. We had a lot of hikers pass through. We had our Flags on the 48 beers, carried up by Chase. We had a visit from the Lafayette team. We saw flags on: Liberty, Flume, Cannon, Garfield, South Twin, Lafayette, West Bond. We struck the colors at 1400. We hiked out over Lafayette, and down to Greenleaf Hut, were some baked treats were consumed with gusto. Old Bridal Path led us to our cars almost exactly 12 hours later. Few times in my life have I been privileged to function with a team that jelled so effortlessly, and achieved their goal with teamwork. I hope to have to have the privilege to raise more flags in the future with you, TEAM Lincoln. Ana, Betsy, Chase, Doug, you rock. — with Betsy Hanson.

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