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  • chip
      Post count: 50
      #47442 |

      I’ve only had time to load 6 pics from Jackson to the site, I’ll post a link and load more tonight. This was my first “Flags on the 48” and my wife and boy’s first NH48. We drove up friday afternoon to the KOA and started meeting participants right away. (I just started to try to list everyone and I’m afraid I’ll forget somebody, so suffice it to say… it was great meeting everyone !)
      I even made a long overdue beer delivery to Tom Rankin and Laurie ! :beer:

      Saturday we met Paradox, Chips, Zippy, Ron and ‘Liv and got to the trail head by about 8:45. We immediately met Gram and Peter and a number of other hikers, both particpants and non (“my that’s a large hiking staff you’re carrying !” 🙄 )

      Jackson reminded me of an Earth Science teacher I had in high school who would take a group of us hiking and climbing. The guy was not too tall and wore a beard to cover years of acne scars. He probably got beat up alot as a kid and didn’t have a sparkling personality. But he was tough as nails. He’d do finger-tip pull-ups on the steel door frame and one-arm push-ups between classes. He didn’t warm up to anyone quickly but once he did you were “in” for life.

      We all summited at various times before 11:30 and got both flags flying. We spent the next couple hours (like everyone) meeting others, resting, taking pics and trying to pick out flags on other summits. At about 1:45 we got some rain so we all broke down our rigs and headed down. It was on and off rain and sun for the hike down. It took us about 2 hours to hike down the 2 1/2 miles 😮 due to the scrambles, rocks, roots and mud. My boys (10 and 11 1/2) and my wife did great, I’m really proud of them. My boys have been given the challenge to be the first to do all 48 peaks for the annual “Flags on the 48” memorial. That’d be awesome, but I bet there’s a few out there that have that goal in mind already.

      A violent rain and lightning storm moved through Franconia Notch and Ridge as we drove. We were back to the KOA by about 4:45 as the sun came out and other participants began to arrive. We were happy and relieved to find everyone had gotten out safely. Saturday night was a great evening of camp fires and socializing. A great Memorial, thanks to the organizers, and a great weekend meeting and hiking with everyone !

      I hope the other Jackson participants add their comments as we did not have a chance to get everyones name on Saturday.

        Post count: 884

        Chip, check out the Willey folder in the Gallery, we got a shot of at least one of your flags, and we could see them both with the binoculars!

          Post count: 105

          @Chris wrote:

          Chip, check out the Willey folder in the Gallery, we got a shot of at least one of your flags, and we could see them both with the binoculars!

          Ditto from Tom! 😀

            Post count: 32

            Jackson, Flags on 48, 090906

            Posted by Paradox

            Chip was our group leader to Mt. Jackson and a fine job he did. Two poles went up, and by 11:45am we had two flags flying. The first was 3’x5′, an a few minutes later another 6’x10′. Flew until about 1:45 when it started to rain. Could see flags on Pierce, Eisenhower, Willey, Field, Hale, North Twin, and South Twin. Monroe was in clouds much of the time, but could pick their flag out for about 10 minutes near the end. Another memorial to friends and loved ones lost was present for the day. My photos are below.


              Post count: 60

              I wanted to share a couple of the entries that were made in our journal:

              “I am doing this hike in memory of all who perished on that day and in particular my friends from New York – Lt Paul Mitchell, Firefighter John Satore, and friends Jane Baeszler, Niacy Pietrunti, and Jason DeFazio. May they rest in peace.”

              And from a thru-hiker after Peter had pointed out Maine to him and offered some Trail Magic:

              “It is so nice to see Maine in the distance, it almost makes me want to cry. Thank you for your kindness.”

              We had a day not soon forgotten. See you next year!

                Post count: 149

                I believe I remember seeing your plan for Jackson, a peak I have thought about too. I think we met at KOA – seem to remember the Jackson connection. But then I may have already tasted my homemade “Blueberry Flume”. Did you get a chance to try some out? We were the Flume Team with about 5 tents at the front corner of the circle.
                P.S. I heard a discussion of doing all 48 peaks for FOT48 events, I would be 102 yrs old if I did, maybe my son could do it! 😆

                  Post count: 50

                  TrekMan, yes we met, it was great meeting you ! :beer: :beer: :beer:

                  remember you invited me to your summer place and gave me the keys ??? 😉

                  We were in the cabin right there at the corner. I DID NOT get any Blueberry Flume :angry: ,
                  I think Tom and Laurie did, but I really did not need any more beer as several varieties were delivered by sundry guests… :blink:

                  Anyway, a great weekend for an important Memorial with many great new friends !

                    Post count: 149

                    @chip wrote:

                    TrekMan, yes we met,
                    remember you invited me to your summer place and gave me the keys ??? 😉

                    We were in the cabin right there at the corner. I DID NOT get any Blueberry Flume :angry: ,
                    I think Tom and Laurie did, but I really did not need any more beer as several varieties were delivered by sundry guests… :blink:

                    Anyway, a great weekend for an important Memorial with many great new friends !

                    I have a summer place!!?? Cool! 😆
                    I tried to get the word around that all were welcome to stop by for the Blueberry Flume … next year I will brew again! Do the word “growler” make your eyes water?
                    Yes, – Tom and Laurie did stop for a cup of the B.F.

                      Post count: 105

                      @TrekMan wrote:

                      I believe I remember seeing your plan for Jackson, a peak I have thought about too. I think we met at KOA – seem to remember the Jackson connection. But then I may have already tasted my homemade “Blueberry Flume”. Did you get a chance to try some out? We were the Flume Team with about 5 tents at the front corner of the circle.
                      P.S. I heard a discussion of doing all 48 peaks for FOT48 events, I would be 102 yrs old if I did, maybe my son could do it! 😆

                      Does it count if you do Field and Tom on one hike and North and South Twin on another, etc.? In other words, is it just one peak per year, or can we get credit for multiple peaks, as long as we are there when the flag is flying?


                        Post count: 50

                        @tfr wrote:

                        @TrekMan wrote:

                        I believe I remember seeing your plan for Jackson, a peak I have thought about too. I think we met at KOA – seem to remember the Jackson connection. But then I may have already tasted my homemade “Blueberry Flume”. Did you get a chance to try some out? We were the Flume Team with about 5 tents at the front corner of the circle.
                        P.S. I heard a discussion of doing all 48 peaks for FOT48 events, I would be 102 yrs old if I did, maybe my son could do it! 😆

                        Does it count if you do Field and Tom on one hike and North and South Twin on another, etc.? In other words, is it just one peak per year, or can we get credit for multiple peaks, as long as we are there when the flag is flying?


                        A good question; I think it’s one for the Admin’s. Personally, I think if you peaked a number that day WITH a flag, it’d have to count, but one peak per year could be argued also.

                        Here’s the rest of our pics from Jackson;

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