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  • SilentCal
      Post count: 1307
      #47388 |

      If you signed up for Mt. Isolation, you need to contact us here:

      The peak coordinator has canceled his plans and we would like to know if one of the other hikers signed up for the peak would like to step up.


        Post count: 372

        I’m giving up my planned hike to coordinate this spectacular hike to Isolation. My intended route is the traverse, Glen Boulder to Rocky Branch which is 13.3 miles r.t., 3,800′ of elevation gain, and a booktime of 8:35. We will meet at the Rocky Branch parking lot to be ready to leave promptly at 7:30 to drive to the Glen Ellis parking lot and hit the exciting Glen Boulder trail. See you there!

          Post count: 884

          Thanks to Magic for stepping up to grab this bull by the horns!!

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