Forums 2020 Flags on the 48 2020 Trip Reports FOT48 Trip Report Mt. Hale

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  • BrianMac
      Post count: 4
      #64274 |

      The flag-raising was a success on Mt. Hale. The 5 person team was comprised of 2 very experienced hikers, 1 second time FOT48 hiker, 1 very first-time hiker & our “base camp” coordinator. We used the Hale Brook Trail for our ascent & descent. All team members pulled off the day’s events flawlessly, I could not be more proud of them! Once we arrived at the summit we quickly assembled our 20-foot tall pole and flew the 5X9-foot flag presented to my family by the US Army at my Dad’s funeral. With 3 of our hikers & our base camp coordinator being family, it meant a lot personally to see Dad’s flag come out of the display case, for the first time since it was put there 8 years ago, and fly on a New Hampshire 4K as it was meant to. After all, it was my Dad through his love of the mountains that introduced us to such a special sport. We summited at approx. 11:00-AM to find several other hikers & families enjoying the sunfilled mountain top. Of course, as we assembled our rig a couple came over to inquire what we up to. We started to explain the FOT48 event and quickly 2 spectators asked to join in on the flag-raising. By the time the flag was flying, we had 2 dozen people chatting about the day’s event & sharing memories of that fateful day. At Noon sharp, my team paused as we played the National Anthem, without hesitation, every person on the summit rose and stood silently. What a great display of honor and respect. As the flag fluttered in the gentle breeze of this sunfilled day, all summit occupants shared stories of hiking adventures they had been on. We were also visited by a trio of Gray Jays, with a little coaxing, I was able to get them to land on my fingertips and the fingertips of our team’s first-time hiker as well as a young girl who was hiking with her family, what a look of amazement on her face. I am a 99%-of the time solo hiker, what a privilege it was to share such an adventure with others. Much thanks to Jim & Chris for all their hard work putting together such a meaningful event, and to all hikers that come together year after year, regardless of Mother Nature, (think 2019) that independently, from their summits forms a single team that spans 48 summits a
      & more! ***I will be copying this report to FOT48 FaceBook page and posting the days photos when I return home Monday***

      • This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by BrianMac.
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