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  • Amadeus
      Post count: 32
      #46938 |

      Woooooooo! Our very own thread.
      Things to discuss:

      Who is going to meet where. I will be in Franconia Friday night.

      Camping along the trail: pros / cons.

      I have a flag and pole.

      Oh food: lots of good food.

      Moosland grille? I forget what we were going to do here.

      Additional peaks – do the loop? Night hiking?

        Post count: 32

        Oh yea, what trail are we gonna take? That might be important to know 🙂

          Post count: 44

          OK. So far we have:
          One cancellation.

          Meet at trailhead at about 7am?!?!?!?! (assumes 1 mile an hour on the way up) (5 miles up)

          Those of us shacking up in Franconia will have to leave at about 6am. (~50 miles to trail head)

          We can do the loop, start at either end, etc.

          The flag is ready, the pole is ready. We need a small camera, mine is too huge.

          Someone has to print out and bring the pdf thingy.

          Everyone needs headlights, just in case. The sun will set at 7:05pm, with (civil) twilight lasting until 7:34pm. If we leave the peak at 2 & get down in 4 hours – everything should be fine.

          I will check my numbers against the AMC guide’s numbers, when I get to my guide – currently in Franconia. If anyone has a copy handy, let me know what the estimated times are.

          That is all for now.
          party on

            Post count: 32

            I forgot to log in. I type, therefore I am.

              Post count: 32

              More cancellations. We are down to one people.

              I guess that 10 mile hike statement is scaring people away.

              I shall talk to myself on the way up. I hope that I don’t get started on politics, or religion. I should stick to pleasant subjects, like hiking, gear, computers, cars, women….. The usual happy stuff.


                Post count: 839

                Zeta Pass to South Carter is a nice hike – I was just on it this past weekend. It’s not overly steep, not overly difficult, and was particularly pleasant. So if you’re going up 19-Mile Brook to the Carter Dome Trail to the Carter-Moriah Trail at Zeta Pass, you’ll do fine.

                See if that statement gets anyone back.

                  Post count: 32

                  Started out with a respectable group of people for the trip, but they all canceled one by one. I was the “team leader” so I went up alone. Arrived in Franconia at 10 pm Friday night, and started packing. The AMC guide estimated 3.5 hours to the top, a 1.5 hour decrease from my rule of thumb estimate. Much joy was had, as that meant that I could sleep in later (I hate mornings). Finished packing, and went to sleep.

                  Woke up late, rushed out, and arrived at the trailhead 30 minutes late. It was clear, and cool – so I was able to hustle up the mountain and arrive 10 minutes early. Much more joy was had. Very easy hike; 5 miles one way, but only about 3000 feet in elevation gain. Total cake walk.

                  Route: Nineteen mile brook trail – Carter dome trail – Zeta Pass / Carter Moriah Trail.

                  Had three, or four visitors over the next two hours. Most were supportive, and appreciated the effort.

                  As the temperature rose, the local bug population mobilized. At times it was a haze of bugs at the top. Deet quickly became my best friend. At 2:10, I took the flag down, and left for a leisurely hike out. Lots of water running everywhere. Very pretty, and made up for the lack of views.

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