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  • TrekMan
      Post count: 149
      #47738 |

      Carrigain will be attacked by our group via the Signal Ridge Trail. We will tentatively hit the trail at 0730 to allow for plenty of time for all to get there.

      -Jim M

        Post count: 149

        Hi Again,
        On vacation at the end of July, I have scoped out the trailhead for Signal Ridge Trail. It is 2 miles in off Rte 302 on Sawyer River Road. Now, Sawyer River Road is just about 10 miles from Highland Center and also 10 miles from Glen Junction (where Rte 302 and Rte 16 split). Left if coming from Glen, right if coming from Bretton Woods/Highland Center.
        Plan to be at the trailhead by 7:00 Saturday morning so we can divide the gear in our packs, we will hit the trail at 7:30 SHARP! This will allow 4 hours to get there to setup the flag. The trip is 5 miles each way with just over 3 hours book time, so we should be good for all.
        For those who have not been with our croo before, we have a 6 x 10 flag and a 20-foot pole made from electric conduit. It has survived some 30+ knot winds at Garfield and a thunderstorm on Flume, so we have some reliable hardware.
        Please send an IM if you’d like more info and also watch the forum as I will post any new info here later. Welcome to all the others who have signed up for Carrigain, should be a good time, it always has been.

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