Forums Flags on the 48 Information General Discussion Bridge (de) construction at Zealand.

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  • dirt_girl
      Post count: 303
      #46881 |

      Okay, boys and girls, this should settle any rumors about any bridge closings at Zealand. District Ranger, John Scrafas has assured me that the bid did go out on deck resurfacing for the Zealand (at the campground) bridge. However, the bids came back extraordinarily high, absolutely no contract was awarded and the bidding was cancelled. Even if a new bid were to be (not likely) issued it would still take 90 days, after the bidding was opened to allow all interested parties the opportunity to bid, before just the bidding phase closed. Even longer to choose the company that would be awarded the contract. Taking us far into winter for sure before any construction could take place. YES!!! I am all set to hike Zealand on 9-11-04. Any bodies want to come along…… now that it’s that much easier?

      Please feel free to pass this information along. I feel some what confident having spoken to the district ranger personally. John also assured me that he will call if anything changes that would make Zealand road inaccessible to the public. He is aware of “Flags on the 48” and wishes all of you much success. Now that boys and girls…… is our tax dollars at work!

        Post count: 1307

        I will be in the general area of Zealand Road on Wednesday Sept. 8th. I’ll make it a point to give you an update if anything has changed. Now are you going to get your Flag to clear the trees on Zealand?

          Post count: 839

          Woo-hoo! That’s great news for us (though it means at some point that bridge will be closed for repair). Definitely fly that flag high because I’ll be watching from Garfield with the 70-200mm zoom.

            Post count: 303

            Hey…dirt_girl has a flag… 😀
            A confirmation on Zealand Rd. bridge would be very kind of you SC, thanks.
            Oh yes, the flag will be high enough to be seen from the Twins, Galehead and The Bonds. 🙄
            Okay…I’m dreaming.
            All kidding aside, I do have a plan that involves much PVC, couplings, bolts, screws, reinforcement materials, a flag and a bevy of miscellaneous guy stuff I can play with, to make it all happen.
            I have also been fortunate enough to have some one sign on (always room for more) to go with. As part of the application process (oops forgot to be serious) I discovered he climbs trees and can carry heavy stuff. How cool is that?!?! Think I should tell him of my wicked plan now or wait until we’re on the trail….hummmm?

              Post count: 397

              I’ll be looking for it from South Twin. But what do you mean by “C4”? Not the explosive, right? :blink: 😉

                Post count: 303

                Ah, that would be a big fat negative on the explosives, sir. Just a very sick sense of humor, my bad, won’t happen again. 😳


                  Post count: 839

                  Max and I got our flag something like 18-20′ in the air on Carter Dome two years ago … it was visible over the trees from Wildcat. If you have any specific flagpole questions, let me know.

                  I will say that the key to PVC is the guy lines.

                    Post count: 884

                    @dirt_girl wrote:

                    Hey…dirt_girl has a flag… 😀
                    A confirmation on Zealand Rd. bridge would be very kind of you SC, thanks.
                    Oh yes, the flag will be high enough to be seen from the Twins, Galehead and The Bonds. 🙄
                    Okay…I’m dreaming.
                    All kidding aside, I do have a plan that involves much PVC, couplings, bolts, screws, reinforcement materials, a flag and a bevy of miscellaneous guy stuff I can play with, to make it all happen.
                    I have also been fortunate enough to have some one sign on (always room for more) to go with. As part of the application process (oops forgot to be serious) I discovered he climbs trees and can carry heavy stuff. How cool is that?!?! Think I should tell him of my wicked plan now or wait until we’re on the trail….hummmm?

                    Hey dirt_girl, my crew did Zealand last year and we made it work without too much trouble. Be happy to tell how we did it if you’re interested… climbing of trees is not an option, nor is running guy lines, as the “forest” is way too dense to get through.

                      Post count: 303

                      Thanks coberg. I would be very interested in hearing how you managed the flag flying process at Zealand last year. I saw the pictures, now if you would be so kind as to clue me in on how that happened. Looks like your flag was a good 5 feet above the trees, maybe higher? I am borrowing a 5×8 flag from a local organization, it’s an old flag with some history and I’m certain, some weight. I was up at the summit last Monday to check it out and since then my imagination has run wild, everything from telescopic poles to helium…. 😮 Definitely not a flag friendly summit but I like a challenge and all the helpful information I can get…

                        Post count: 884

                        It was quite simple, really, but seemed to work well. Rob (my co-webmaster) found some aluminum angle iron and created three 4-foot sections with two sets of holes at each junction. When we reached the summit, we bolted the three sections together and slid the pole up the side of one tree. We left an overlap (pole to tree) of about five feet and lashed the five feet of pole to the tree. No impact, no anchors, no guy lines. It held very well, even in wind, and we were able to fly the flag pretty high…

                        Rob, having recently acquired welding equipment, welded a post to the top to slide the grommet of the flag over, but this was not necessary, just fun.

                        If you’d like more detail, let me know, I’ll see what I can provide.

                          Post count: 303

                          Sometime we overlook the obvious coberg.I appreciate you taking the time to share information.I’m pretty sure I understand the concept and hope it’s okay with you if I submit this info to my (brother) engineering department. How many people were on your team?

                            Post count: 884

                            No problem, the patent for this system is stuck at the USPO anyway… 🙂

                            We had four people and two dogs hiking.

                              Post count: 372

                              Thank you for the Zealand Road update dirt_girl. Until your most informative post, I too thought the road was to be closed.

                                Post count: 303

                                You’re welcome, MtnMagic. I was very happy to finally get some resolve on the issue as it impacted me directly. Those pesky rangers are pretty tight lipped about the bureaucratic bullship they’re up to. Word is the bridge will come out next fall. You can bet I won’t be signing up for Zealand next year 😮


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