Forums Flags on the 48 Information General Discussion 2007 Planning Meeting

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  • dirt_girl
      Post count: 303
      #47509 |

      What little planning there was to do, got done. Eventhough the gathering was small, it was quite friendly. It was lovely to spend some time with you all. I had great fun! Saturday, late in the afternoon a game of thunderstorm chicken began… Jaytrek was the last man standing. One by one we all eventually moved into the Tent and Tarp Pub. The rain poured down, the lightening was so close I swear we felt the heat and the thunder… oh my!!

      Easy-going Gary, president of the Facilities Union and Propriator of the Tent and Tarp Pub, totally saved the day!! Thanks! McRat you are the only card carrying member of the Facilities Union and a one man comedy show, need I say more?

      SherpaJohn, one of my favorite super-uber-hiker-hero’s, it is always fun to bump into you! Squeeky, you are awesome. A beautiful and smart young lady that is not afraid of frogs.Una-dogger, you are just a nice human being… always happy, funny and the best lemon bar maker ever!! MichaelJ and Cal, after all this time you are still quite charming and such the gentlemen. Jaytrek, my new goal in life is to win just one game, that’s all, just one and I can die a happy woman. I met some new folks but can only remember Leaf, Hiker Amiga and Bob. Leaf, you play well with others and have a great laugh! Radiant Periwinkle stopped by, in between closing and opening the store.

      What a great way to finish my fabulous Moosilauke hiking day… food, drink and conversations galore swirled about the Tent and Tarp Pub filled with fun, happy people. Thanks gang!!

      Happy Trails.

        Post count: 884

        Great post dirt_girl, I’m sorry I missed it.

          Post count: 7

          Great post.

          It was alot of fun. I believe a good time was had by all. It was good trial run for the screen house and tarp.

            Post count: 303

            For what it’s worth, Chris … πŸ˜•

            … it just wasn’t the same without you and Frodo.


              Post count: 303

              Hey Scoutmaster! πŸ˜€
              That tent (screen house) and tarp saved the entire weekend! :beer:

              Thanks a gazillion!!


                Post count: 149

                So all you event planners, I am anxious to hear how you intend us to sign-up for the peaks this year? When will the registration begin? When do we start our engines?
                I love when the forums warm up in the spring and the posts get hot and heavy!
                Sign me up! TrekMan
                (Dirt … keep us posted on weather futures)

                  Post count: 1307

                  There is now an announcement at the top of General Discussion forum with information about the signup date. Signups will quite similar as previous years except for the fact that there are no pre-registrations. Announcements have been put onto various hiking forums throughout the internet. E-mails will be sent about a week before signups to all of last years participants as a reminder. Press releases have been updated as well.

                    Post count: 21

                    So, as someone who has never attempted to register before, what is the format? Will there be an on-line form to submit on the 9th? Can I put in multiple choices if my first choice gets taken, etc.?

                      Post count: 1307

                      Welcome Feldmrschl!,

                      There is a online form to fill out on the 9th. Pretty basic stuff on the signup form along with all the peaks listed. I believe you’ll have to check off which one you desire and when you hit the system will assign you as the peak co-ordinator for that peak you selected unless someone else has chosen it before you. In that circumstance, you be listed in the second column under “other hikers”. If you’d like to switch peaks afterwards, not a problem, just drop me a pm and we’ll make the switch. I will be online from 5 p.m. until around 10:00 on the night of the ninth to help out with any issues that arise. Thanks again

                        Post count: 21

                        Excellent Cal. Thanks.

                        Is there much of a free for all at first or do the peaks sort of just get picked over time? I would imagine that the bare summits get picked off first.

                          Post count: 884

                          It’s a bit of a free for all at first, then it tapers off and peaks get picked up a little at a time until they’re all gone. Last year about 15-18 peaks went in the first hour.

                            Post count: 1307

                            And I believe we were up to 30 peaks around 9:00 p.m. that night. Having more than one peak in mind is a good idea but sharing a peak with others is just as fun.

                              Post count: 15

                              Man… first time I’ve been in the forums in a while.

                              The Facilities Union was glad to be of some service. Squeaky and I are looking forward to seeing everyone again after this years event.

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