Forums 2004 FOT48 Information Archive 2004 Summit Reports Wildcat D Reply To: Wildcat D

    Post count: 54


    I was at the summit just minutes before you and littlebear?? arrived. unfortunately i didn’t sign the book, perhaps i’ll get the chance to do that someday. i had soloed the peak not expecting a flag-raising or anything other than a few people enjoying the views. i sat back and took it all in, promising myself to be on a peak for the following year. you’ve captured me in one of your photos (labelled “looking north”) i’m the one on the left, looking at the flag, shorts/blue shirt fixing my belt… that was quite a day, and i’m looking forward to the opportunity to raise a flag on Wildcat D. the only thing that will keep me from putting a flag on the tower will be lightning…i’ll keep an eye towards adams, and i’ll definitely have lots of pictures. :flag: