Forums 2005 Flags on the 48 2005 Signups & Status Signups for 2005 Reply To: Signups for 2005

    Post count: 338

    The automated sign-up process definitely made it easy to register for a peak, but IMO, it would have been of greater value if multiple people were allowed to sign up. I understand the concept of trying to deter people to some of the less popular peaks, but some of the people who participated in the last 2 events now feel like they were snubbed, and that does not do us any good, especially if they do not participate…

    I am all for uncontrolled sign-ups. I like the idea of people having the freedom to be able to pick and choose what ever peak they want, regardless of whether someone else has already signed up for it. A peak that is already taken is somewhat a deterrent in itself, but IMO we should not limit people’s participation, in any way whatsoever…