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    Post count: 1307

    We honestly never expected sign-ups to be so busy right away. I figured we would have been at about halfway after two weeks and we almost got all the peaks covered. We’ve created about 25-30 core groups of hikers and hopefully with a successful event we can bump that up into the 40’s. Last year, i said I was going to take a less visited peak but I got another couple to come with us, so for them, I signed up for a nice summit. Maybe a lottery could be a good idea. But with this many groups you will never be able to please everyone, no matter how hard you try. It’s a memorial. Not a game and that’s what we need to remember. The automated system was great but we need to fine-tune it so that when full coverage is attained that a hiker do not experience a lockout and maybe randomly assigns them to a peak. Just an idea.