Forums 2004 FOT48 Information Archive 2004 Planning Meeting Agenda for get-together Reply To: Agenda for get-together

    Post count: 759

    Hey all… I know I’ve been strangely silent on this for a while… things are busy now and putting my mind to this hasn’t been easy…

    1) We should keep it simple. We weren’t too far off last year. If we can have 5 groups of experienced hikers hold off as the “on-call” team and scoop up the last peaks during the last week of the event, we should hit full coverage.

    2) Keep the accessable 3 (Washington, Cannon, Wildcat) in reserve for groups/persons that are hiking challenged. Have interested parties describe why they should be the ones to do these three (handicapped, kids, etc…). First reasonable “story” gets assigned for each.

    3) As long as people are willing to accept that not every idea of theirs is going to be accepted and we avoid long circular discussions, we should be fine with 2-4 hours in the evening of discussion to accomplish everything. The basic infrastructure of registrations and assignments needs to be decided on by the end of the evening, as that gives me one week to complete the turnaround before the grand opening announcement on July 4.

    4) Given all this, IMHO I see the main things to discuss that night, in order of importance:
    – assigning peaks
    – reserve accessable peaks
    – on-call teams
    – registration forms/process
    – site redesign
    – Press Releases

    Everything else becomes icing. And beer. Nuts. need the beer emoticon…
