Forums 2004 FOT48 Information Archive 2004 Planning Meeting Agenda for get-together Reply To: Agenda for get-together

    Post count: 759

    @Jaytrek57 wrote:

    Not to be a doomsayer….and don’t know if it has been covered.

    We should really discuss Sunday as an alternate date (weather). Not so much for scheduling…but how this event handles it. Not sure I am explaining this right. Let me try again.

    Events/gatherings what have you, lose initiative if they don’t plan for the unexpected. People crave/love to know as much information as possible. In the rare instance that there is lightning storms/meteors, whatever reason a large majority can not hike that day, I think having a plan, even a small one is crucial, especially for the following years (outreach).

    I think this is a SMALL issue in the overall scheme of things and 99.9 times out of 100 we will have at least adequate weather……but…

    I love logistics!!

    Added to the list.
