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    Hey everyone.

    Trip Report from Lafayette.

    First off…who ever was in charge of organizing the weather great job!

    We started off eager and anxious. SilentCal and Grace stopped by at our campsite at the campground and it was our group’s first meeting with others who were participating and it was a definite pick-me up. Six of us said goodbye and good luck to our friends Jen and Aaron who were off to do South Twin. We saw the Lincoln crew in the parking lot and exchanged quick hellos and “Good Lucks” and started our way up the OBP.

    The six of us took our time up the trail. Did not see many others going up. If you discount the camaraderie, laughs, fine views and time for reflection it was your average hike up.At Greenleaf we rested for a bit. Around 10:30am we started up the last stretch to Lafayette.

    The whole time up we would look at other peaks and try to see if any flags had gone up. Although I have gone up Lafayette countless times I always get fooled with the way the trail winds and rock croppings , especially near the summit (probably b/c I’m anxious). Our whole group, b/c I guess of our excitement, just wanted to get there at that particular time in the hike. Then at a quick standing water break, we could just make out the flag over a bump on Lincoln. That’s all we needed. We made it to the summit and raised the flag proudly.

    I know on other sites and perhaps here people bitch about crowds on the summits. Heck…I secretly do it myself sometimes. Lafayette was PACKED! From 12-2pm hundreds (I am not exaggerating) were on top. All we met said thank you, a great number took photos with the flag and a lot just simply touched the pole. We had laminated paper with the mission statement attached to our packs at the base of the pole which worked extremely well. Scores of people read it.

    My friend Sean and I had it in our head to “boogie” across the ridgeline and say hello to the Lincoln crew. We are both glad we did. That crew rocked! After chatting for a while and a quick photo we headed back. On the way back, seeing the flag we had helped put up from a different perspective really was pretty cool.

    At 2:10 the six of us circled up, had a moment for ourselves and proceeded to take down the pole and fold the flag. The trip back was…well…just like going up. I hope I am not premature but when I spoke to people, I would mention that Sep 11 is on a Saturday next year (Leap Year). I am not a betting man, but I would wager, based on the feedback I heard from others, this meaningful event will only grow.

    It was a pleasure to meet others at the bar. I finally can put some names with faces. Frodo, SilentCal and others (sorry if I missed some.). Sorry we were a bit late. Our group broke the cardinal rule. Always go directly to the bar after a hike!! Although the beer we had at the campground tasted mighty good after a long hike as well.

    Myself, Terri, Sean, Jennifer, Melissa, Robbie, Aaron and Jen would like to give special thanks to all who helped organize, in any fashion this great day.

    My only question…when are the sign-ups for next year!

    I will post pictures to the album tomorrow.