Forums 2004 FOT48 Information Archive 2004 Signups & Status Peak count (2003) Reply To: Peak count (2003)

    Post count: 263

    Peak Name: Mount Lafayette:
    # of people in party: : 6
    Short description of rigging and pole system: 2 5ft sections of 1 1/2 PVC, 5 foot 1/2 inch flag pole, duct tape, 3 guy lines and a whole lot of loving!
    Any suggestion on improvements/changes for next year (optional):
    Free beer. Just kidding…but not really. :beer:

    I think a mid-year or perhaps summertime “gathering” to focus, get hyped up and hell just hang out would be cool. Also a pre-trip, next year, type of event would be great for all interested participants since it could be that Friday night.

    A quasi-sign-up sheet listing all 48 for groups to carry for the following year? I am probably not saying this right, but, people you meet on the summits could, “tenatively”…(no guarntees) sign-up for the next year. At the very least you can get contact info (email).

    Perhaps having one designated flag go to a different peak each year? It would be cool 48 years from now (well perhaps less) if it could be said, “This flag has stood on every 48 4,000 peak for this event.

    Exuse the length of this post…I love logistics 😉

    BTW…finally got the pics up..TYVM Greg.