Forums Flags on the 48 Information General Discussion Member Rankings

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  • Stephen
      Post count: 759
      #46838 |

      HI all. AKin to most forums I’ve incorporated ranks that go along with your post numbers.

      Thanks to Greg for providing the images and feedbck on the rank names!

      Curious – 0-4 posts –

      Interested – 5-14 posts –

      Enthusiast – 15-49 posts –

      Fanatic – 59-99 posts –

      Zealot– 100-499 posts –

      FOT48 Core – 500+ posts –


        Post count: 32

        Up your ranking here. 😀 :flag:

          Post count: 759

          @Mtn_Chipmunk wrote:

          Up your ranking here. 😀 :flag:

          I prefer mine fried and placed between two slices of toasted rye… without the seeds. Thanks.


          P.S. The BEST sandwich in the world… Grilled cheese and kielbasa.

            Post count: 263

            Just MHO…and for the record…

            I dislike “rankings”.


            Seems to much like a contest.

            💡 Couldn’t a person somehow receive a flag under their username that represents the number of years they have participated? Two years…two flags…three years..three flags..etc.

            At least that way people can have their “rankings” change from year to year….

            just a thought.

              Post count: 1307

              Jaytrek’s idea is a good one. How about a Flag smiley under your name for each year you took part. If that can’t be worked out out I guess the flags being shaded in would be nice. Also if we choose to have coordinators, that should also be shown to know who is who.

              Zealot ranking would probaly turn me into a terrorist down the road…..ya never know…..

                Post count: 759

                Rankings provide a fast visual way for others, especially newcomers, to get a sense of who has been “around the block” so to speak.

                While it may not be a direct reflection of an individuals value of input, more often than not someone who is not truely interested in the topic of the board won’t hang around for more than 100 posts.

                I’ll be happy to change the names if better ones are suggested. Most of these came as off the cuff, as it were.

                At worst, I can eliminate the rank name and just use the image.


                  Post count: 397

                  @Stephen wrote:

                  I’ll be happy to change the names if better ones are suggested. Most of these came as off the cuff, as it were.

                  At worst, I can eliminate the rank name and just use the image.

                  You do need to assign a name to the rank, but you could always hack the PHP to not display it. This would be my suggestion. If you decide to do this Stephen, just comment out this code in viewtopic_body.tpl:


                  and this code in profile_view_body.tpl:

                    Post count: 884

                    I agree that rankings are useful to new users of the message boards, but I’m not sure how much. I always sort of thought people liked them (kind of a way to see how much you’ve contributed over time), but I guess not everyone is.

                    As far as listing an icon for every year someone has participated, I would say we’re requesting Stephen do some serious PHP work, which is a lot to ask from a free board. I do like the idea of eliminating one rank indicator, but I think it should be the icon, rather than the name. Just my $.02

                      Post count: 1307

                      How about people who have participated before have their quote look like this

                        Post count: 759

                        How about this arrangement?

                        Pole – 0-4 posts –

                        Quarter-Mast – 5-14 posts –

                        Half-Mast – 15-49 posts –

                        Three-Quarter Mast – 59-99 posts –

                        Full-Mast– 100-499 posts –

                        Grand Ol’ Poster – 500+ posts –

                          Post count: 397

                          How about I decrease the ranks to 4 flags and ditch the Grand Ol’ Poster? Would make more sense with your names…

                            Post count: 1307

                            I like that idea. It’s flag related. Works for me

                              Post count: 759

                              @Greg wrote:

                              How about I decrease the ranks to 4 flags and ditch the Grand Ol’ Poster? Would make more sense with your names…


                                Post count: 263

                                0-5 posts duct tape
                                5-10 posts PVC tubing
                                10-50 posts guy lines
                                50-100 posts MORE duct tape
                                100+ posts Free beer at the bar!!

                                Just having fun! (Actually trying to get my mast up! (Hey now!))

                                Looks great!

                                  Post count: 839

                                  Hmm … just what do I have for a mast? Only half? Time for some rabble. Time for a new avatar, too.

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