Forums 2006 Flags on the 48 2006 Publicity & Media Watch We’re being interviewed by our local weekly.

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  • chip
      Post count: 50
      #47340 |

      CT town of about 15,000 – I know a lot of the locals and mentioned our family would be participating this year. Well, the paper is sending a reporter out to our house next week to interview us about the “Flags on the 48” and may run an article with pictures ! 😮

      :flag: :flag: :flag:

        Post count: 884


          Post count: 839

          Excellent! Let us know if you need any detailed information that you don’t already have.

            Post count: 50

            2 things;
            – Is there any other info on the event not on this site that a reporter might be interested in ?
            – Everyone should get the email address of their local paper’s editor and send them the press release and link to this site.

              Post count: 1307

              Which paper in Western Conn? I’m not too far from there. The History button at the top basically tells the story of the event and how it came to be.

              One of our hikers works for the AP. She helps us out greatly with the Press Release matters.

                Post count: 839

                For the first question, I can’t think of anything. We’ve got the history, the forums, the photo galleries … all here.

                Oh, except the A-10 video. We have a link to it, but it’s served off someone else’s site.

                Keep in mind that if any reporter wants to use an image out of the galleries we’ll have to contact the original photographer for permission.

                  Post count: 50

                  – The paper interested is “The Brookfield Journal”, Danbury News Times may be also, we’ll see.
                  – I’ll let the reporter know anything used needs permission first.

                    Post count: 50

                    okay, tomorrow night is said interview. I need some more eloquent quotable qoutes than “I think it’s a great way to memorialize the day” although I’ll use that. Any ideas would be appreciated.

                      Post count: 372

                      Hi Chip, I’m certain our readers want to know how it turned out. Any link to the article? How did it go!!

                        Post count: 50

                        okay, we were front page, below the fold in this weeks paper. There was a nice picture of us and the first half of the article was good, but the second half petered-out. Good publicity for the event, though. I’ve already had a couple calls from friends asking about it. No picture in the link but this is the story;

                          Post count: 1307

                          Thanks Chip for taking part in the interview. If anyone needs additional help, don’t hestiate to direct them to the boards for extra help. We always can use a few more hikers :flag: .

                          Nice article!

                            Post count: 149

                            @MichaelJ wrote:

                            For the first question, I can’t think of anything. We’ve got the history, the forums, the photo galleries … all here.

                            Oh, except the A-10 video. We have a link to it, but it’s served off someone else’s site.

                            Keep in mind that if any reporter wants to use an image out of the galleries we’ll have to contact the original photographer for permission.

                            I have a copy of the A-10 video … want something from it? Need to ask about using it? Let me know via p.m.

                              Post count: 149

                              @MichaelJ wrote:

                              For the first question, I can’t think of anything. We’ve got the history, the forums, the photo galleries … all here.

                              Oh, except the A-10 video. We have a link to it, but it’s served off someone else’s site.

                              Keep in mind that if any reporter wants to use an image out of the galleries we’ll have to contact the original photographer for permission.

                              I have a copy of the A-10 video … want something from it? Need to ask about using it? Let me know via p.m.

                                Post count: 303

                                Fabulous press!!

                                Thanks to you and your family for being a part of this event and helping to spread the word.

                                I hope you saved the article!? One day it will be FOT48 memorabilia, archival stuff even…

                                  Post count: 50

                                  I’ll bring an extra copy of the paper for who (whom ?) ever’d like to keep it.

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