Forums 2012 Flags on the 48 2012 Trip Reports South Hancock

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  • BobSaidi
      Post count: 16
      #48141 |

      Three of us made up the South Hancock team: TMax, Topofgothics, and me. TMax and Topofgothics got an early start, but I was able to catch up with them on the trail because TMax was moving slowly, testing out her new knees (surgery eight weeks ago). When we got to the split in the Hancock Loop Trail, TMax went straight to South Hancock while Topofgothics and I tagged North Hancock first. We met up again on South Hancock and set up two flags at 11:30 with assistance from a passer-by named Myles, who stayed with us until 1:00. One flag was a 5 x 7 Stars-and-Stripes on a 20-foot pole, while the other was a 4 x 6 Flag of Honor bearing the names of the emergency personnel who lost their lives on September 11, flying on its own eight-foot pole. Both flags stood straight out in the brisk south wind the whole time we were there.

      We had about 25 visitors, not including the helicopter fly-by. From South Hancock we could see flags flying on North Hancock and on Carrigain. We took down both of our flags at 2:00 and headed back to the Kanc, but had to endure at first light rain, then moderate, and finally a half-hour of heavy rain before making it back to the parking lot. All three of us were soaking wet but in high spirits nonetheless. This was my second FOT48 and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

      Photos are posted in the Gallery.

      2011 – Clay (not North Hancock—thanks, Irene)
      2012 – South Hancock

        Post count: 16

        Thanks for the trip report Bob. It was great meeting you and sharing this special day with you. This was my 8th FOT48 and I am honored to have been a part of this fantastic tradition!

        2005: Madison
        2006: Wildcat D
        2007: Isolation
        2008: Bondcliff
        2009: Willey
        2010: Whiteface
        2011: East Osceola
        2012: South Hancock

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