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  • Stephen
      Post count: 759
      #46765 |

      I seem to recall there was a gathering following last year’s event.

      :beer: :dunce: :argue: :blink: 💡 :beer: :beer: 🙄 😉

      Any thoughts on repeating that this year? Post your ideas!


        Post count: 397

        See this thread:

        We’re basecamping in the Pemi for the event (doing Garfield) so we won’t make any after-event gatherings.

        Watch all the :beer: the8re, you don’t want to :puke:


          Post count: 1307

          Last year, we met up with several other hikers at the Woodstock Inn in North Woodstock for some dinner and beers. Overall I think we had groups from about 10 of the summits show up. We had a good time recounting how the day went and swapped stories of flagpole designs and general reactions towards the event. The Inn was very crowded though, due to the Highland Games that are held that weekend. But this year the Highland Games moved to somewhere else and the crowds should not be as bad. To figure out who was who, someone suggested wearing something flag related. I suppose this could work again. I won’t get there until about 6:30 but not everyone finished hiking at the same time and some people had a ways to drive to get there. It’s too bad you can’t make it Greg. A lot of people asked about you last year and wanted to say thanks for everything that you did. Anyone doing anything the night before. I just may throw a cookout!

            Post count: 15

            Hey everyone! last year’s post-celebration was a lot of fun! It was great to hear the stories, and which flags could be spotted. I know for me, it made me feel connected to all of you out there with the same committment in mind. We should at least Offer a similar type of get-together spot, something more centrally located. Last year it was in Woodstock – maybe something smack dab in the middle of the hites. Now where would that be? :beer:

              Post count: 338

              The most centralized spot in the Whites is probably Twin Mt or maybe Bartlett. Not many places to choose from at either location… The most happening place in Twin Mt is the Pizza Pub, which probably has never seen over 15 customers at the same time… I’m kidding! Maybe 20…. Anyway, do they sell food and :beer: and I guess thats all that counts!

              The best locations are in Lincoln/Woodstock or in Gorham/N. Conway. Not much in between. I plan on also attending, where ever the location ends up being… 😀

                Post count: 15

                Last time I was up in Twin Mountain we ate at a cool place right on 302, It was a fairly big establishment and served everything from burgers to steak. It was called The Black Moose, or something like that. (The “Big Dumb Moose”)
                I just can’t remember. Anyone know what I’m talking about? There is also The Sunset Grille in Campton, or once again Woodstock Brewery. Or maybe get 2 places to meet – one in N. Conway area, and one on the other side, say in Lincoln. I think a lot depends on wether or not people are leaving the area after the hike, or if they are staying the night of the 13th. 8)

                  Post count: 69

                  You must be thinking of the Mooseland Gril which is just South of the intersection of Routes 3 and 302. Also – just down the road across from Bretton Woods is Fabyan’s Station Restaurant and Lounge. We’d be up for a post event gathering in either the Twin Mountain area or Bartlett/Jackson area. Some suggestions for that area are:

                  Shannon Door Pub
                  Scarecrow Pub
                  Red Fox Pub & Restaurant
                  Red Parka Steakhouse & Pub

                    Post count: 338

                    Hey RBHayes (any relation to the ex prez?)

                    Out of all of those suggestions (including Mari’s) which one do you feel would likely better accommodate 20+ patriotic smelly hikers looking for some food and some :beer: ?

                      Post count: 839

                      I’ll be there, just a wee bit late since I have to get from West Bond all the way back to the car…

                      I’m good with whatever everyone decides.

                        Post count: 69

                        Thought I posted a reply to this last night????? Geesh – maybe I dreamt it :>

                        For Twin Mountain area I think that the Mooseland Grill would be the best place to handle a bunch of hikers fresh off the mountains. For the North conway area, probably the Scarecrow Pub.

                        Since Twin Mountain is only 10 minutes from Mt Jackson which we are signed up up, we’d prefer that area, but I think it woudl be best to narrow it down to 2 or 3 locations, then everyone should be polled to see who (and how many they are) would partcipate and what location orks best.

                        Looking forward to the 13th! Geri and I are hiking Isolation this weekend – it will be number 46 for us! Saving the longest two for October and the Fall colors.

                          Post count: 40

                          My wife and I can probably make it to whatever spot is chosen. I’ll be coming down from Cannon (pretty easy) so I’ll have sufficient time to drive to about anywhere.


                            Post count: 338

                            Hey Greg,

                            How about setting up a poll? 😀

                              Post count: 397

                              @Frodo wrote:

                              Hey Greg,

                              How about setting up a poll? 😀

                              Done. I used these option:

                              Fabyan’s Station, Bretton Woods
                              Mooseland Grill, Twin Mountain
                              Pizza Pub, Twin Mountain
                              Scarecrow Pub, Intervale
                              Sunset Grill, West Campton
                              Woodstock Inn, North Woodstock

                              I’m jealous. I’ll be eating my freeze-dried chicken stew that night in the Pemi… 🙄

                                Post count: 839

                                Can you add an option to the poll for “Any of these are fine, I’ll be there”? I haven’t been to most of them so I shouldn’t offer an opinion…

                                  Post count: 397

                                  @MichaelJ wrote:

                                  Can you add an option to the poll for “Any of these are fine, I’ll be there”? I haven’t been to most of them so I shouldn’t offer an opinion…


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