Forums 2006 Flags on the 48 2006 Trip Reports Mt Jefferson

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  • bobandgeri
      Post count: 53
      #47429 |

      On Jefferson we had 50 people on the summit at the time I counted!! Mostly in the clouds, they did give way to a few glimpses of sunshine allowing us to see the flag on Adams. Very windy today. Hikers coming from Edmunds Col reported they could hear our flag way down there snapping in the wind.

      Besides the American flag, we were joined by a group carrying a US Marines flags in honor of a son currently in Iraq.

      For anyone in the Southern NH area, we were joined by a reporter, his daughter, and a photographer from the Nashua Telegraph. The story should be in the Monday edition.

      Thanks to all who were either part of a flag crew, or simply hiked to a peak. Many on the peak expressed thanks to the flag crew today. Most we talked too were hiking today specifically for Flags on the 48.

      The rains came in just as we were getting into our cars, sure glad they held off for most of us – to those who had a longer hiked out, we hope you stayed somewhat dry and safe.

      Our pole was and extendable/collapsable pole form which we flew a 6×10 flag. Wayne (SkiGuy) provided a great guest book for folks to sign, which included avatars of the flag crew.

      It was great to hike with such a great group of friends today it made the day even more special.

      God Bless!

      New Hampshire
        Post count: 168

        Hey guys,

        Sounds like you had yourself quite a little crowd up there. I was wondering how the Presidential range fared today. We watched on Garfield as a nasty cloud wrapped itself around Lafayette, and then the whole Franconia ridge started getting hammered soon after it. Glad to hear you guys made out better than those poor souls!


          Post count: 12

          I was on Layafette this afternoon it was nice until about 1:30 when the rain and hail came. We decided to call it early and get out before the T-storms rolled in. It was a great hike. See my TR and pics.


          New Hampshire
            Post count: 168

            Hey Amberlin, Glad to see you folks on the Franconia Ridge made it through Ok. Like I said, from where we were it looks like you folks got hit with some nasty stuff.


              Post count: 5

              Again a big “Thanks” goes out to everyone that was up on Jefferson today. Man does that Bob know how to fly a Flag! This was my first FOT48, but certainly not my last.Hope everyone made it off their Peaks in good style, because as Bob already mentioned it moved in quick just as we were leaving in our cars.

              poison ivy
                Post count: 2

                Thanks to Skiguy & Bob&Geri for organizing the Jefferson team! Shaggy & I were very happy to participate for the first time this year.

                I have pictures up here from the Jefferson hike.

                – Ivy[/url:3c1hk64s]

                  Post count: 2

                  My thanks also to the Jefferson crew and the crews and visitors to all the summits.

                  My pictures can be found starting HERE


                    Post count: 5

                    Again a “BIG Thanks” goes out to all who participated on this hike to fly the Flag on Jefferson. Be sure to check out the article about this peak Bob and Geri.
                    Also I have uploaded Pics and video for your viewing.

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