Forums 2011 Flags on the 48 2011 Trip Reports Middle Tripyramid

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  • Cumulus
      Post count: 35
      #48048 |

      For the third year in a row I flew the flag atop Middle Tripyramid for Flags on the 48.

      I came up the day before and climbed Sandwich Dome. That evening I stayed at Osceola Vista Campground, where I met, and shared a site with, Biji, a guy who signed up for Middle Tripyramid. Biji knew who I was from my activity on the ADKHP fora.

      There were four of us in the Middle Tripyramid crew, me, Biji, JohnGalt (a.k.a “Windy’s Mike”) and Windy, who was a surprise; I had thought she wasn’t going to be able to make it.

      We went up from Waterville Valley via Livermore Trail and the South Slide. This was my first time on Livermore Trail or on the slide below the Kate Sleeper intersection. Livermore Trail, which is basically a dirt road, showed major erosion damage in places.

      The South Slide, I thought, was fun. It was challenging without ever being scary.

      When we got to the summit we set up the flag. Then we checked the time; it was 11:59.

      One reason I keep returning to Middle Tripyramid for Flags is because I think its summit is a real nice spot. If I have to hang out for a couple hours somewhere in the Whites, MT is a good place to do it.

      A number of hikers came by while we were flying the flag. As always they were appreciative. Soon after the flag was up we saw a helicopter flying over Passaconaway. It then flew over Whiteface, and then came to us. We all waved. I later learned that it was from the New Hampshire National Guard.

      There was a brisk wind, which was good for the flag, and which wouldn’t have bothered us if we’d been hiking, but since we were stationary for a couple hours it started getting chilly. There were high clouds that day, but they didn’t obscure the views and we had no rain.

      With my monocular I could see the flag on Passaconaway. I think I also saw the flag on Osceola, but I’m not sure of that.

      After taking down the flag we proceeded to North Tripyramid. Middle and North Tripyramids were Biji’s 10th and 11th NH4Ks. (He usually hikes in the Dacks, even though he lives in Vermont.)

      We descended by Scaur Ridge Trail, and afterwards went to the Common Man in Lincoln, which is where we’d heard the post-Flags gettogether would be. There were only a few other Flaggers there, but we shared stories with them.

      Thanks to Biji, JohnGalt, and Windy for your help. Thanks to everybody connected with Flags for making this event work.

      Here are the pictures. I’ll put them up on this site as well.

      A month or so after the attacks in 2001 I wrote the following essay: The Greater Struggle. I still agree with it. Please keep in mind that this is my own personal opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the other members of the Middle Tripyramid crew or of anyone else associated with Flags on the 48.

      2009-2011: Middle Tripyramid

        Post count: 5

        @Cumulus wrote:

        A month or so after the attacks in 2001 I wrote the following essay: The Greater Struggle. I still agree with it. Please keep in mind that this is my own personal opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the other members of the Middle Tripyramid crew or of anyone else associated with Flags on the 48.

        Thanks for sharing this. It conveys a lot of the feelings my wife and I share about 9/11 and it’s aftermath. We were very happy to participate in the flagsonthe48 event on the 10th anniversary. However, we are still concerned about the coopting of that event by politicians to misuse it as a message of hate and misunderstanding.

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